Category: Lux Cover Guys

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio is one of most popular and acclaimed actors in the world. DiCaprio was born in Los Anglese, California on November 11, 1974) and has either produced or acted in many hit...

Matt Damon – Sexy Hollywood Actor

NASA/Bill Ingalls, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Matt Damon was voted #2 on AskMen’s Top 49 Men 2007 edition, runner-up only to soccer star David Beckham. Matt has gone from an obscure actor to...

Robert Pattinson – From Twilight to New Moon

Twilight_20091110_Crillon_Hotel_Paris_002.jpg: nicolas geninderivative work: Funkfried333, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons Robert Pattinson wasn’t a household name or even B-star until he starred in blockbuster Vampire movie, “Twilight.” Pattinson has wooed teenage girls with...

George Clooney

George Clooney

Sean Reynolds from Liverpool, United Kingdom, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons 2007 has been quite a year for George Clooney. On June, George left his hand and feet prints in cement outside Grauman’s...

Brad Pitt: Not Just a Daddy

For the past few weeks Prague has been home to Pitt and Jolie, whose presence has made this capital—so pretty it could have been concocted by a pâtissier—the red-hot center of the celebrity universe....

Daniel Craig

Daniel Craig, a veteran British actor, has the following film credits – “Elizabeth”, “Sylvia”, “The Jacket”, “Road to Perdition”, “Lara Croft: Tomb Raider”, “Layer Cake” and his first role as James Bond 007 in...
