Bespoke Golden Key – Gold & Diamond Mercedes Benz Car Key

Golden Key Hommage to Qatar

Who isn’t tired of the boring car key we all use?  Now you can pimp up your standard car key with a stunning gold & diamond Mercedes Benz car key.

Selected Jewels is a company from Germany that specializes in both the production and retail selling of exquisite and breath-taking jewellery.

The Golden Key is an innovative and original masterpiece and perfect for that discerning and select clientele, family member or acquaintance in your life.

The Golden Key is a gorgeous Mercedes Benz car key that has been made with a solid gold inset and also includes 300 cut diamonds that total 3.14 carats in size. The unique personality and individual style of each car owner can be accentuated.

It could make the perfect gift for anyone who owns a luxury Mercedes vehicle. Available in rose, white and yellow gold plus platinum. Throw in the full range of brilliant high-class gemstones plus the opportunity to have the Golden Key personally engraved.

So out with the old boring, standard plastic key and in with the new bespoke Golden Key. Each of these highly sought after pieces of jewellery are unique and therefore become special to the owner.

For further information about the Golden key, please contact The Life of Luxury and we assist with the buying process.


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