Holiday Season Comes Alive At The Montreux Noel Christmas Market

Montreux Noel Christmas Market

The holiday season is quickly approaching. For those traveling to Switzerland this year, be sure to visit the iconic Montreux Noel Christmas market.

Montreux Noel is a traditional Christmas market that allows visitors to stroll and stop at the many stalls and buy food, drink, Christmas decorations and other crafts. It’s a wonderful family atmosphere and a chance to remember what the holiday should really be all about.

The alpine city of Montreux comes alive between the dates of November 21 and December 24, 2014. This year marks the 20th edition of the most beautiful Christmas market in Switzerland – Montreux Noel.

It’s expected that close to 500,000 visitors will come to Montreux, which has an elevation of 2,042 meters. Around 150 Swiss chalets on the lakeside of Montreux will be lit up and provide a magical experience for all who attend Montreux Noel.

Lausanne’s Christmas market is named Les Fêtes de Nöel Lausanne and features 50 illuminated chalets that will be set up in Place Saint-François.

In addition, Lausanne Lumières is a series of incredible, artist-created light sculptures that have been located all around the city. Visitors can enjoy the light installations between November 21 and December 31, 2014.

If you are interested to traveling to Switzerland and enjoy the traditional Christmas markets including Montreux Noel, please contact The Life of Luxury today. We can help you plan out and book your entire luxury travel itinerary. Read out luxury blog to follow travel industry news.


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