German Fairy Tale Route – Hanau, the Birthplace of the Brothers Grimm

Phillipsruhe castle - Germany

Most people remember hearing about fairy tales while growing up. Now you can participate in real-life one in Germany. The German Fairy Tale Route begins in the city of Hanau, known for the birthplace of Brothers Grimm. To mark the official starting point, you will find an impressive monument honoring both Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. The monument is located on the market square Neustädter Marktplatz.

Is traveling to Germany on your bucket list? You likely have dreams of enchanted castles, scenic, alpine views and a rich culture, but yet a dark and troubled history. Now you can enjoy a VIP experience and enjoy the best Germany has to offer by following the German Fairy Tale Route.

The German city of Hanau is world famous for being the birthplace of the famous Grimm brothers. The two publishers – Jacob and Wilhelm created many of the most popular and well-loved fairy tales. For example, they wrote Hansel and Gretel, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty and Rapunzel.

Hanau, Germany - Brothers Grimm statue

Therefore, the city of Hanau is also the start of the Deutsche Märchenstraße (German fairy-tale road). This scenic route leads a few hundred kilometers across Germany to Bremen in the north.
Hanau’s location on the junction of the rivers Main and Kinzig invites you to enjoy some beautiful river scenery. Plus, not far from the river junction, is the romantic castle Phillipsruhe and the picturesque suburb Kesselstadt.

From there, the unique route leads across five other stations in the lives of the famous brothers. For example, view more than fifty places that celebrate fairy tales and legends all the way to Bremen. There the sculpture of the Bremen Town Musicians in front of the Ratskeller marks the end of the journey.

On a final detour to Buxtehude, the route leads through various natural and cultural landscapes. Visit remote villages, cozy half-timbered towns and urban cultural centers. Plus, you will pass through the GrimmHeimat NordHessen. Legendary castles and fairytale palaces, enchanted forests await. See the famous Weser River, mystical places of legend and countless fairytale fountains line the German fairy tale route.

With a length of 477 kilometers, the scenic Weser River is the longest river in northwest Germany. It begins at the confluence of both the Fulda and Werra rivers in Hannoversch Münden. Also knows as Hann. Münden. The upper section of the Weser river runs through the Lower Saxony region of the Weser Hills. Continuing, the lower and tidal sections of the river below Bremen, flow through marshes, bogs and Geest. Geest describes the slightly raised landscape of sand and gravel soils, along with shrubby vegetation.

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Are you ready to visit Germany and travel the German Fairy Tale Route? It will be an unbelievable and memorable experience. Please return and follow more luxury travel destinations.

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