Forbes Billionaires Club – A Smaller List

Forbes Billionaire list

The world economic crisis has taken its toll on everybody, from the poor to the ultra-rich.

It’s time once again for Forbes to announce its list of the World’s Billionaires for 2009.

Amid the global recession, this year’s Forbes list of the World’s Billionaires is smaller and definitely poorer.  As a result, the very small club of billionaires from age 40 and younger, also got a whole lot smaller.

In Forbes’ 2008 list, the world’s 20 youngest plutocrats were all under the age of 36. Now in 2009, the billionaires age ranges from 25 to 40. The average age of the world’s 20 youngest billionaires is 35 this year, up from last year’s average of 32.

25-year-old German Prince Albert von Thurn und Taxis takes the award for the youngest billionaire in the world. Von Thurn und Taxis is worth $2.1 billion.

The list also includes former Yahoo! Chief Executive Jerry Yang.

See the complete list at Forbes


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