$10M Michael Jackson “Love Glove” & $7M “Mirage Hat” For Sale

In a follow-up to the highly successful, exclusive interview with Jack Armstrong, I had the honor to talk with him again. This time about developing two iconic pieces of art as a tribute to the “King of Pop.”
This time our discussion is about the upcoming documentary film “Mirroring Michael Jackson.” As a tribute, the world’s most expensive glove has been created in honor of the 10th anniversary of the “King Of Pop” Michael Jackson’s passing.
Michael Jackson Tribute – Cosmic X Love Glove – Price: $10M
Cosmic Artist Jack Armstrong created the “Cosmic X Love Glove” over a 3 month period. It will be featured in the upcoming MJ documentary film titled “Mirroring Michael Jackson.”
Back in 1983, Michael Jackson was #1 on Billboard’s top album and singles charts for a staggering six weeks in a row. With this milestone, it made Michael the first artist in music history to reach the peak of the four pop and R&B charts at the same time. What an incredible accomplishment!
The Mirroring Michael Jackson film’s producer is Kira Madallo Sesay. She asked Jack Armstrong if he could create a new, cosmic art love glove that MJ could have worn on tour, if he were back on earth magically performing one final show. When asked about the “Cosmic X Love Gove”, Kira was quoted, “The Golden MJ Glove is iconic cosmic art that will be known forever and uniquely signifies Michael Jackson’s reign as the King Of Pop, alongside his golden vision of peace & love for the world.”
Jack replied, “Given his penchant for sequins, golden pants, jackets & accessories …. I created a multi-layered Cosmic X Love Glove, that includes multi-colored Cosmic ‘X’ painted surfaces. They almost look as if MJ is making a fist in the air to show he is still with us & leading us to be better caretakers of the planet, share love & hope with the world. And of course, inspiring all the brilliant new entertainers that will follow his legendary ‘moonwalk’ into showbiz.”
Armstrong continues, “Michael always said it wasn’t about how famous you become, but how much you do for the people in your community & in the world. MJ gave more money than any other entertainer in history to charities & helped thousands around the world. He provided generous donations while visiting sick children in hospitals everywhere he traveled. All the while, Michael was inspiring millions with his music & new vision for the world.”
Cosmic Starship Harley – Custom Harley Davidson – (Photo R. Nichols) Price: $15M
In the past, we are proud to have covered modern artist Jack Armstrong in several previous articles. He’s the leader of the Cosmic Extensionalism art movement. In addition, Jack holds the world record for creating the world’s most expensive bike, boots (Cosmic Cowboy Boots) and motorcycle (Cosmic Harley).
Jack also created the “Golden Cosmic Mirage Hat,” to compliment the MJ “Cosmic X Love Glove.” Both one-of-a-kind, the ‘Love Glove’ is now available for $10M and the ‘Cosmic Mirage Hat’ is $7M. These two pieces of art will never be duplicated. Due to this fact, their rarity will generate much interest in both the art and entertainment industry.
Michael Jackson Cosmic X Love Glove and Golden Cosmic Mirage Hat – Price: $10M / $7M
It’s apparent that both Michael Jackson pieces include gold. How much is still a mystery. Armstrong will not discuss the amount of actual gold used in the creation of his MJ Mirage Hat & Love Glove art objects. Jack did say, “they are virtually priceless.”
Jack said, “MJ could wear both in concert if he were here, as he was my friend since 1979, when we met thru Andy Warhol.”
He continues, “I gave Michael abstract painting lessons in NYC & I believe if he had lived longer, he would have personally created more charities to help women & children. In addition, he also would have politically campaigned to help change the prison & judicial system in America, for people wrongfully arrested & imprisoned for crimes they did not commit. These subjects were all very close to his heart & he spoke about change often.”
Michael Jackson Golden Cosmic Mirage Hat – Price: $7M
“Michael Jackson Angel of Love”
Michael Jackson – “They Don’t Care About Us”
Michael Jackson – “They Don’t Care About Us” (song lyrics)
The Misunderstood Power of Michael Jackson’s Music
Cosmic X Book by iconic artist Jack Armstrong
Jack has written several books and includes countless quotes that will help to create a new universal paradigm in Cosmic X. It’s an honor to share some of these exclusive quotes with our readers.
“The enlightened King understands there is no difference, between themselves & the most humble servant.”
“The mind that sees the future discovers the universe is a reflection of oneself.”
“A great painting reveals the soul of the artist & without great soul what great thing can exist.”
“If there is no magic in the artist, how can there be magic in the art.”
“The artist with the heart of a child & force of the universe in their eyes paints the truth.”
“The sublime individualist lives, in the secret universe we all desire.”
“Love generated in the human heart, is the most powerful thought in the universe.”
“See each of our many lifetimes & appearances start to unravel and your minds eye will reconnect with the universe of your soul, & in the transparency found, you will become the truth you seek.”
In closing, Jack states, “MJ was truly the Man in the Mirror, and my cosmic friend. There will never be another Michael Jackson. So in tribute, I will exhibit the Cosmic Love Glove, & Cosmic Mirage Hat, in this tribute film of MJ & hope everyone can be inspired by his love for the world, thru his music, dance, & powerfully cosmic life.”
“To exhibit the Cosmic X Love Glove exclusively In the MJ Tribute film, is a unique honor for me. 5 million dollars from its sale will be used to create a children’s art wing of the museum I am currently building, allowing children the opportunity to: create, curate, & to exhibit their own art. With funding for art supplies & offering 52 weekly art residencies, for up to 300 children a year.”
– Jack Armstrong
Michael Jackson was an extremely talented entertainer and was taken from this earth way too early. His legacy and achievements will last forever. He has millions of fans all around the world and his music is as popular as ever – enduring MJ as a truly, global pop icon. In fact, even China’s richest man, Jack Ma, is ‘Mirroring Michael Jackson.’