The Pebble Lite, A Beautiful, Non-Toxic and Breathable Mattress by Nook Sleep Systems

Pebble Lite Mattress by Nook Sleep Systems
Nook Sleep Systems is the innovator of the groundbreaking Pebble Organic mattress and organic bedding collection.
All products by Nook Sleep Systems are manufactured in the USA and the use a wide range of both organic and renewable materials, such as certified natural latex, environmentally superior eucalyptus fiber, GOTS-certified organic cotton and wool, as well as zinc with natural anti-microbial properties.
Nook Sleep Systems recently added another innovative product to its impressive sleep mattress line-up – The Pebble Lite.
The Pebble Lite by Nook Sleep Systems is a beautiful, non-toxic and breathable mattress and it can now by purchased at an incredible price. Compared to its predecessor the Pebble Organic mattress, the new Pebble Lite mattress offers similar benefits.
The Pebble Lite mattress offers several key features include three new colors (cloud, blush and seaglass), a certified non- toxic foam core, and a two-sided firmness design which provides both solid firmness for infants and an alternate softer touch for toddlers.
The Pebble Lite also includes Nook’s removable, machine washable outer layer which insures the ultimate in softness, breathability and cleanliness. Pebble Lite keeps in line with all of Nook’s new industry-changing standards of design including its colorful and textured cover plus anti-microbial, anti-mite, water- and stain-resistant fabric surfaces.
Pebble Lite mattress is priced ideally at only $295 and is available for purchase on the Nook Sleep Systems website
The Pebble Lite mattress can also be found at select high-end retailers beginning this month.