The Affluent Using Coupons More Frequently

In recent years, there has been a subtle but important trend occurring in the retail shopping industry.
The demographics of Americans who use coupons has definitely evolved. Money saving coupons are no longer being only used by scissor-happy elderly women, who commence their snipping when the Sunday newspaper finally arrives on their doorstep.
A recent study by Inmar Inc. has revealed that coupon usage has actually increased by 17 percent in 2009. This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone, based on the lingering global recession.
But one fact that was intriguing, affluent as well as younger buyers, are using more coupons that any segment of the population.
Recognizing the increased popularity of couponing, the founders of the popular coupon website and iphone application Coupon Sherpa, are promoting Coupon Month, which is set for September.
To celebrate Coupon Month, Coupon Sherpa has created a new website
Even though the traditional Sunday newspaper is currently the most common method of finding coupons, they are no longer limited to just paper alone.
There are currently numerous online coupons with codes for Internet purchases and mobile coupons that can be scanned directly from a phone.
The site offers shoppers helpful, money saving tips about getting the most out of coupons, information about couponing trends and the history of coupons, and resources of places to find different types of coupons.
In addition, the new web site also has a section called 30 Days of Savings Tips, offering informative nuggets like How to Effectively Use a Coupon Binder System, Rules for Pairing Coupons with Sales and The Anatomy of a Coupon.
Co-founder of Coupon Sherpa – Luke Knowles was quoted, “The idea of National Coupon Month is to spread the word about the different types of coupons and inform consumers on the many ways they can save money with coupons.”
Knowles believes that coupons can not only help the average family save from $500-$1000 each year, but they can also help shoppers become smarter by being aware of their favorite products’ prices, and encourage consumers to watch for sales and get double and triple value from coupons.
Happy shopping!