Sirens of TI – Sexy Battle in Buccaneer Bay

Sirens of TI show Las Vegas

The Sirens of TI — Treasure Island Hotel and Casino’s latest “adult-oriented” show is a modern musical – meets – action – movie spectacular.

The Sirens of the TI takes place in the same location as the previous “Pirate Battle” show Buccaneer Bay — now called Sirens’ Cove at the front entrance of TI Treasure Island Hotel and Casino.

The word “Sirens” presumably was taken from Greek mythology. They lure a ship full of pirates to their cove, capture them, sink their ship, and then … have sex with them?

The Sirens show was created by award-winning director and choreographer Kenny Ortega, the production features a clash between a group of beautiful, tempting sirens and a band of renegade pirates.

The show features sword-fighting, dancing, music, high-diving acrobatics and spectacular pyrotechnics

Treasure Island Hotel & Casino
3300 Las Vegas Blvd S
Las Vegas, NV 89109


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