Saint Louis Crystal’s Tommy Glass

Saint Louis Crystal’s Tommy Glass
Saint Louis Crystal’s Tommy Glass collection

SaintLouis Crystal was founded back in 1586,  and is truly one of Europe’s oldest and most esteemed cristalleries.

Created in 1928 in honor of the British “Tommy” soldiers, Saint Louis Crystal named its new emblematic collection, “Tommy.”

In 1938, this beautiful crystal collection by Saint Louis Crystal received the highest of praises at a lavish luncheon held in the hall of mirrors at The Palace of Versailles, honoring King George VI.

Eleven of the crystal “Tommy” glasses were placed in front of each of the two hundred guests, including both King George VI and Queen Elizabeth.

Saint Louis Crystal’s Tommy Glass collection
Saint Louis Crystal’s Tommy Glass collection

The luxurious “Tommy” crystal glass collection offers a palette of eight vibrant colors that celebrate Saint Louis’ mastery of various crystal cuts including diamond, pearl, olive, and star.


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