Luxury Shopping deLuxe Card by Conciergerie deLuxe – VIP shopping

Conciergerie deLuxe VIP shopping card

For luxury shoppers that are looking for something more than just your basic shopping treatment, try the VIP Luxury shopping deLuxe card by Conciergerie deLuxe.

Conciergerie deLuxe is a concierge service company that is based in New York. For those discerning shoppers, Conciergerie deLuxe launched the luxury shopping deLuxe card, a unique shopping card offering true VIP shopping experience to New York tourists.

A personal concierge from Conciergerie deLuxe will assist you to make the most of your New York shopping experience. By using your luxury shopping deLuxe card, you will receive VIP treatment in various New York City luxury stores.

Conciergerie deLuxe’s luxury shopping deluxe card is quite a unique concept. For the first time, the service now brings together distinctive hotels and luxury stores across New York City.

Some of the many benefits of owning Conciergerie deLuxe’s card is … discounts, luxury gifts, glass of champagne, sparkling water, limited editions, access to private showrooms, invitation to fashion shows and much more.

Conciergerie deLuxe says the the luxury shopping deLuxe card provides the opportunity for New York City tourists to shop for their favorite fashion brands, as well as discover new brands possibly unknown to them.
Hotel guests can easily search from a  list of luxury stores to discover which are part of this cutting edge, luxury shopping program.

Learn more about the shopping card, by going to the Conciergerie deLuxe web site.


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