Glenlivet Nàdurra Dram Chair – Sit and Enjoy Scotch Whisky

Since 1824, luxury single malt whisky brand – The Glenlivet has produced great tasting Nàdurra whisky utilizing historic oak barrels during the whisky aging process.
The stylish Glenlivet Nàdurra Dram Chair was created by award winning, British design maker Gareth Neal.
The body of this contemporary designed chair is made with Aberdeen Angus leather, from the only remaining oak tannery in all of Britain.
Commissioned by the luxury Scotch whisky brand The Glenlivet, Gareth Neal was tasked to design the ultimate Dram Chair. Beyond a comfortable sitting chair, the Glenlivet Nàdurra Dram Chair was also meant to be conducive to enjoy drinking Scotch whisky.
The dram chair’s frame is made of oak. The wood was personally chosen Gareth Deal. Luxurious copper rivets hold the chair’s arm to its frame. The arm has perfectly design to align to where its owner will rest his dram.
The new Glenlivet Nàdurra Dram Chair is surprisingly light. It’s ideal to move around with ease, so a he or she can enjoy their Scotch whisky.
The chair design was inspired by the unique, nineteenth century crafts and natural materials that represent class and dignity of The Glenlivet family.
The chair is now on display until December 24, 2014 at the The New Craftsmen in London’s Mayfair. After, it will move to The Glenlivet Distillery and Visitor’s Centre until March 2015.
You can purchase the Glenlivet Nàdurra Dram Chair as a made to order by visiting and registering as Guardians of The Glenlivet (