Discover a Hidden Gem in Germany – Ruhr Valley by Bike

Ruhr Valley by bike - Germany

The iconic Ruhr Valley in northern Germany has seen its share of ups and downs. The area has been hit hard with the decline of the steel industry. Many idle factories and high unemployment were the result. But you can now enjoy the Ruhr Valley by bike.

The popular, Ruhr Valley Cycle Route has been rated by the German Cyclists’ Federation as a four-star, premium bike route. Ruhr Valley Cycle Route includes greater than 140 miles of scenic countryside and the Ruhr’s industrial region.

Germany is known for expense luxury cars flying down the Autobahn at amazing speeds. But don’t worry. Discover Ruhr Valley by bike and be pleased it’s almost entirely free of cars. As you ride along, take in the sights such as the famous Ruhr River, beautiful forests and even industrial monuments.

As your cycle trip continues, you’ll ride through medieval towns, river docks of Duisburg, Lake Baldeney in Essen and the mining area of Muttental valley.

The terrain varies. Expect to ride up some steep climbs. The main portion of more challenging terrain is within the first 35 kilometers. Once past, you will enjoy a relatively flat riding experience.

Cycling in Germany is very popular. You can find over 200 long-distance cycle routes in this Western Europe country. It’s a wonderful way to see the Germany up close and enjoy its major cities and unspoiled lands.

One of the many treats to exploring Ruhr Valley by bike, is to break your trip up and enjoy the local culture. You’ll find cyclist-friendly accommodations to sty at. You can choose from quaint farms to even ancient, castle hotels. What an experience.

If you would like to vacation in German and Ruhr Valley by bike, let us know. We can help you arrange your entire travel itinerary. We hope you enjoy our luxury blog as we share the best in the luxury industry.

Photo: German National Tourist Board


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