Dealing With Incurable Cancer – Jane Schwartzberg Says “Never Give Up Hope”

metastatic cancer

At age 44, Jane Schwartzberg is the co-author of the new book titled, “Naked Jane Bares All” that is told with humor and candor and describes how Schwartzberg learned to embrace life when she was down for the count.

Jane Schwartzberg was only 31 years old and a newlywed when she was first diagnosed with breast cancer. Jame underwent treatment and eventually was declared cancer free.

Sadly, when she she turned 42, the cancer returned. Schwartzberg has stage 4 metastatic cancer. It’s a disease that unfortunately has no known cure.

But to turn a bad situation into a more positive one, Jane Schwartzberg says having a terminal illness has changed the way she lives – for the better. A true survivor shares her life lessons and is an inspiration to us all.

As her condition has stabilized , she lives every moment aware of “this cloud over me.” Nonetheless, Schwartzberg is very determined not to allow it to steal the laughter, meaning and fulfillment from her remaining days.

Jane says. She offers these suggestions – learned the hard way – for living your best.

· Make a “bucket list” – no matter how unlikely an item may be to fulfill. After being blind-sided by the pronouncement that the cancer she had beaten 10 years ago had returned – enraged – Jane slumped into a depression for three months.

Jane has desired wish “I want to take Larry David to lunch.” As a huge fan of the Curb Your Enthusiasm star and Seinfeld creator, she got her dream t come through and ended up flying to California for a 52-minute lunch with her idol. Far from depressed, she remembers thinking, “I am the luckiest person walking this Earth!”

· Remind yourself every day to love life. Every day is a gift – for any of us. And if we’re not loving that gift, we’re our own worst enemy.

“We have little control over how our lives unfold; the unpredictable happens and suddenly you’re on a course you never guessed lay ahead,” Jane says. “That does not mean you can’t live a fulfilling life and continue to do what you were put here to do.”

· Choose the people with whom you spend time. We’re not obliged to spend time with people who don’t make us feel good or, worse yet, make us feel bad! Our time is the most valuable commodity we have and, for all of us, it’s limited.

“I spend my time with the people I love – the people who are most precious to me,” Jane says. “I don’t have time for people who aren’t genuine, who are negative, or always angry. I love to laugh and I strive to be 100 percent in the moment every moment.”

No matter what the adversity a person may be facing, no one should waste a moment of our temporary time on Earth. Enjoy your life to the fullest because there are no guarantees. Jane Schwartzberg is testimony to doing just that.


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