Artistic Sidewalk Chalk Art by Julian Beever

Julian Beever - Sidewalk Art

Sidewalk chalk art is amazing and beautiful. Julian Beever is the best. Many Sidewalk chalk art creations are so good, people believe the images are real.

We all know the joys of seeing a creative piece of sidewalk art. From the humble beginning of a concept, then being covered in chalk dust, to showing off the completed finished masterpiece. Sidewalk chalk art is amazing and Julian Beever is the best.

These amazing works of art are created on the roadside. When finished, they are photographed in such a way to produce amazing 2-D and 3-D effects.

What started many years ago as innocent children drawing hop-scotch squares with white chalk, has grown into a full-fledged artistic revolution.

Now there are hundreds of Sidewalk Art festivals around the country, with creative geniuses from young to old displaying their artistic sidewalk art talents.

Julian Beever - Pavement chalk art

Julian Beever is an English artist who’s famous for his creative art on the pavements and sidewalks around the world.

Julian Beever is an English artist who’s famous for his creative art on the pavements and sidewalks around the world.

Here are more samples of Julian Beever’s amazing sidewalk chalk art:


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