World’s Most Expensive Car – $100 Million Armstrong-Bugatti-Cosmic X Planned for an Exhibit at the Galaxy Macau in China
Coming soon will be the ultimate luxury hyper-car – the $100 million Armstrong-Bugatti. World renowned artist Jack Armstrong has plans to paint the most expensive car in history with a Bugatti. It will officially be named “Armstrong-Bugatti: Cosmic X” or also known as the “Cosmic Dream Star.” This rare blend of exotic auto and creative art will truly become a “Masterpiece!”
The Armstrong-Bugatti will easily become the world’s most expensive Art-Car. Jack Armstrong stated, “I will break the World Record with an Art-Car, the same way I broke the world price records for the Most Expensive Motorcycle, Bicycle and Cowboy Boots on Earth.”
The Life of Luxury is proud to announce that the Armstrong-Bugatti supercar will be exhibited in China in 2020. The custom art-car will feature Armstrong’s special, “cosmic” blue paint. Can you imagine the overwhelming interest that industry lovers will have? Once unveiled, the Armstrong-Bugatti is expected to be seen in Macau, China by millions of car and art fans.
There have been rumors prior to this announcement that Jack Armstrong would feature a Rolls-Royce as his Art-Car. Well, we can confirm directly from Mr. Armstrong that he has chosen to feature a Bugatti. The reason he gave is, “I will paint a Bugatti, out of respect: for the family of artists, which is Bugatti.”
But what Bugatti will be used? We can confirm that a top secret, new model Bugatti model will be announced at the Macau exhibit opening. How exciting is that?
The Galaxy Macau casino resort is a luxurious property located on the Cotai Strip in Macau, China. It opened in 2011 with much fanfare. As a result, this opulent hotel quickly become the place to stay in Macau. This vibrant city is a short one hour ferry ride from nearby Hong Kong. Macau features a UNESCO World Heritage site city centre. Visitors will experience a rich blend of both Chinese and Portuguese culture.
In addition, Macau is widely known as a world-leading gaming and entertainment locale. Over 30 million visitors arrive every year to take part in non-stop action. Gambling revenues are incredible and even dominate what Las Vegas brings in each year.
Armstrong says “Modern art is more free than anything on earth and cannot be controlled by any historic system’s of art, that have been put into place, to control artists and markets with ‘curated – art’ that destroys the ‘originality.’ That is the essence of great art and vision.”
In April, we were proud to write an article about Jack Armstrong’s iconic Cosmic Cowboy Boots. The sales price is $6 million.
Then two weeks ago, we covered his Art Triptych collection. All three pieces of art are originals. You can purchase the group or Art Triptych for $250 million. His custom painted Harley Davidson motorcycle (photo below) is titled the “Cosmic Harley.” Also included are two seminal paintings. Any of the works of art can be purchased individually: “Warhol Naked” – $110 million, “The Last Wizard” – $110 million and the “Cosmic Starship” motorcycle – $50 million.
We can just wonder what the final Armstrong-Bugatti will look like. The photo (top) is a Bugatti Vision Grand Turismo. As beautiful as the paint job of this luxury supercar is, we can only imagine how stunning the upcoming Armstrong-Bugatti will be.
Jack knew and worked with both Andy Warhol and Jean Michel-Basquiat. That experience allowed Jack to create the most expensive objects of their kind, on earth. Andy Warhol too saw Jack’s talent first hand. Therefore, Andy Warhol acknowledged his talent by giving him the unique and complimentary nickname – “The Last Wizard.”
Armstrong carefully guards his own revolutionary independence as an artist, that has always worked outside the art gallery model. He has been quoted saying “The Gallery ‘system’ of Mega-Dealers creating superstar artists will not exist in the future, as the dealer & curator system now gives way to fiercely Independent artists that cannot be silenced, as Basquiat, Banksy, & myself have proven.”
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Bugatti Vision Photo: Wikipedia Commons / By NearEMPTiness [CC BY-SA 4.0 ]
Other Photos: Courtesy of Jack Armstrong