212 Degrees – You Are Responsible for Your Results
It’s been been written about many times before. There’s such a small difference between winners and losers. Whether it’s sports, business or our personal lives. What if you could go that “extra mile” or give “110 percent”?
There are many successful people in the world. They are constantly in the news. We can’t get enough of them. We love them when they succeed, but we also get a guilty satisfaction when they fall flat on their face.
But most of the times, the successful people we hear about likely didn’t have an easy road to success. That’s because we typically hear nothing about the numerous pitfalls and failures they overcame in order to reach their goals.
The main difference between the two is this: the successful ones pick themselves up after failure again and again until they finally reach success. The difference between success and failure is often minute. Successful people we hear about likely didn’t have an easy road to success.
A good lesson to learn is that you’ll soon realize it often takes a good break or a little more effort than the next person to actually succeed.
The difference between success and failure is, you only fail when you fall down and don’t get right back up. When you have become a success in reaching your goals, then you become happy.
Watch the above video and see if it helps give you that extra motivational boost you need … to succeed.