World Travel Patterns – GfK Association Study

World travel study

As summer travel hits its peak in August, let’s take a look at a recent  international GfK Association study.  The study reveals that Americans spend the most money on their vacations, while the Dutch are the number one travelers.

Other interesting findings from the travel study include:
* 30% of respondents take a two-week vacation
* Bulgarians travel the least (70% are likely to stay at home)
* 9% of respondents worldwide are willing to pay more than $2,472 for their vacation
* Dutch travel for the longest periods of time

An international survey by the GfK Association reveals travel/vacation behavior in 16 countries from around the world, and learn that sixty percent of all respondents will take a vacation this year.

The study further reveals that citizens of the Netherlands travel for the longest periods of time and, correspondingly, spend more money.

The travel behavior of Americans more or less corresponds to that of the average world citizen. However, Americans are willing to spend more money than any other country and they visit friends and relatives while the majority of other respondents vacation to relax.

Respondents included 16,364 citizens in 16 countries who were asked travel-related questions. Almost 40% of all respondents stated that they are not traveling in their leisure time this year. This figure increases to 42% in Europe and falls to 38% in Germany.

Swedes (87%), Dutch (85%) and Belgians (77%) are most likely to travel while the likelihood for Americans to travel corresponds with the worldwide average (32% of Americans and 39% of travelers worldwide are forgoing a vacation this year).

Interestingly, Bulgarians travel the least and 70% will spend their vacation at home.

In almost all countries, young people are most likely to travel in their leisure time. Germany is the only country in which there is no discrepancy in age.

Dr. Raimund Wildner, Managing Director of the GfK Association explains, “The Trend Sensor of the GfK Association shows us that older German citizens are in a better financial situation compared to other countries. They like to take advantage of this by traveling, provided that their health is good.”

How much do vacationers spend per year on their travels?
Over a third of respondents will be spending a maximum of $1236.20 (EUR 1000)[1] per person per year on vacations in 2010, and 21% of this group will be spending up to $618.10 (EUR 500).

Around one in ten will be investing between $1236.20 (EUR 1000) and $2472.40 (EUR 2000). This figure more than doubles in Sweden, and approximately 20% of the Dutch and Belgians are also prepared to pay between $1236.20 and $2472.40 for a vacation break.

On average across all the countries, 9% will be spending more than $2472.40. Among the British this percentage rises to as much as 16%, followed by the Dutch and Swedes (13% and 11% respectively).

The U.S. remains around the average of all countries in terms of expenditure: 33% will be paying up to $1236.20 per person per year on their vacations and 15% between $1235.20 and $2472.40. Overwhelmingly, 18%, of Americans are willing to spend more than $2472.40 per year.

How much money are you planning to spend this year on vacations per person?
39% – Nothing, staying at home
21% – up to 618 dollars
15% – 620 to 1,236 dollars
12% – 1,237 to 2,472 dollars
9% – More than 2,472 dollars

The GfK Association was established in 1934 as a non-profit organization for the promotion of market research. Its membership consists of approximately 600 companies and individuals.


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