Wine Trail Guide – New iPhone App

Wine Trail Guide

This new iPhone app – Wine Trail Guide – is a must have for all wine lovers.

The Wine Trail Guide is a tasting room finder for travelers, an educational tool for identifying wine regions and an event resource for tour guides and wine tour-related businesses.

The Wine Trail Guide app is priced at only $2.99, and this easily navigable app comes with well over 3,000 tasting rooms from Alaska to Florida, from New Hampshire to Hawaii. The app database links directly to the Internet for up-to-date, real-time accessibility.

Co-creator January Wiese was the daughter of award-wining JanKris winemaker, Mark Gendron, of Paso Robles, California. Her marriage to web manager Cory Wiese was the perfect team to create this amazing iPhone app. January Wiese currently works for the Texas Wine Trail association.

“America is full of wineries and interesting varietals, “ says Cory Wiese, Wine Trail Guide creator and founder. “I would be willing to bet that most wine lovers don’t know that Texas has a great wine country right here in the Hill Country outside of Austin, or that Pennsylvania has over 85 wineries.”

The GPS-based travel tool developed for Apple’s powerful iPhone, helps users locate wine regions by state and on-the-fly with its “Nearby” function. Tasters can rate wine tasting rooms and also find regional wine events.

There are over 7,000 wineries in the U.S. By using Google Maps and a “Nearby” button, the Wine Trail Guide allows travelers to search by state and then by geographical region to find the nearest wine tasting rooms, direct-dial numbers, winery websites and any special events that are happening in that specific winery region.

Not limited to the well-known wine regions, the Wine Trail Guide includes over 3,000 tasting rooms in all 50 states, making this iPhone app a true celebration of all American wine making regions.

The new Wine Trail Guider app should be available for purchase on November 1st. To purchase the coolest Apple iPhone applications for finding the nation’s tasting rooms, visit the Apple iTunes iPhone app store.


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