Why Argentina is the Ultimate Destination for Wine Lovers

Wine glass and grapes

Argentina is quickly becoming one of the world’s most popular and is a top destination for wine lovers and with good reason. More commonly known for its dominating Malbec varieties, Argentina also has a vast array of superb Cabernet Sauvignons, Pinot Noirs, and unique Torrentés.

Below are just a few of the reasons why the South American country of Argentina is the ultimate destination for wine lovers. Enjoy a true VIP experience and sample some great tasting wines.

Breathtaking Elevations Make For Exceptional Wines

Argentina is home to the the world’s highest commercial vineyard, at an astounding 9,800 ft above sea level. Most of the country’s vineyards are located at roughly 5,000 ft above sea level. The grapes grown at those high altitudes create wines with sumptuous flavors, and intense colors.

Wines That Won’t Break The Bank

Some of the world’s best Malbecs come from Argentina. Many of the country’s celebrated Malbecs, and other types of wine can be purchased for just $13-$20 per bottle.

Innovative Methods, Innovative Wines

Argentine winemakers are aware of the country’s supremely vast landscape and micro-climates that allow for a wide range of varieties.

Wineries are working with weather stations to better understand their micro-regions in order to grow the best grape for a particular area’s soil and climate. By using grapes from varying elevations, some families are creating rich, and complex wines that are pleasantly rediscovered with each sip.

World’s Best Malbecs

Argentina is arguably home to the some world’s best Malbecs. In fact, in the 2016 Malbec Master Series, Argentine Malbecs took home 70% of the awards given. Because Malbecs are a fickle bunch, they tend to thrive better in the Argentine climate, and make for pure and lush black-fruit batches.

Tantalizing Torrentés

Argentina’s Torrentés variety is unique to the country, and makes for many light and aromatic blends. Torrentés are the perfect summer sipper, with smooth floral notes that are light on the tongue and tropical. Argentine Torrentés are unlike anything you’ve had before.

Dependable Bonarda

Once the wine staple of Argentina, the medium-bodied Bonarda variety is a welcome red at any dinner table. A solid choice, it offers many fruit notes, including dark cherry, plum, and even strawberry. If oaky flavor isn’t your favorite, then the Bonarda is the red for you as many see little to no oak.

Picturesque Patagonia

Not only do Patagonia’s frosty creeks and piney timberland make for spectacular views, the vineyards near them make rich and complex Pinot Noirs.

Winds that gust year-round produce thicker grapes with higher levels of acids and tannins. The cooler climate of the area also allows for many international white grape varieties to thrive, such as Riesling and Semillon.

For more information why Argentina is the ultimate destination for wine lovers, check out the below infographic by Tango Tours, an Argentina wine tour company.

Make your plans now to visit Argentina in South America. It’s definitely a top destination for wine lovers. Return again soon to follow this luxury blog and read more wine industry articles.

Argentina wine tour


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