Veuve Clicquot Fridge Wins 2010 Gold Pentaward

Photo: Veuve Clicquot Fridge
The first and only worldwide competition that is exclusively devoted to all forms of packaging design is Pentawards.
Pentawards was first created in 2007. The competition awards the very best creations in five different categories including: Food, Beverage, Body, Luxury, Other markets, and Outside these categories.
On September 30th., the 2010 Pentawards ceremony was held in Shanghai.
Veuve Clicquot Fridge was proud to be the winner of the Gold Pentaward in the Luxury category.
The Fridge is a stylish and creative box. The box will keep the yellow card bottle fresh for up to 2 hours.
Lovers of Veuve Clicquot can now enjoy their favorite vintage at the ideal temperature … anytime, anywhere.
Behind the Veuve Clicquot box’s simplicity, is a design similar to a 1950′s style.
QSLD Paris and the famous Champagne brand have previously worked together on Veuve Clicquot’s “Trendy Collection “.
By creating Veuve Clicquot Fridge, Denis Boudard proved once again that he is a trendsetter. He imagined a clear concept so that customers can recognize immediately the function of the object.
This year, Denis Boudard’s creativity along with his inventiveness are rewarded with the Gold Pentaward.
QSLD Paris had previously won other Pentawards, including several in 2009.
Veuve Clicquot also sponsors the annual Veuve Clicquot Polo Classic.