USS Bowfin Submarine Museum, Oahu – Hawaii

Anyone who visits the U.S.S. Bowfin Submarine museum at Pearl Harbor in Oahu, will likely be surprised at the profound effect it can have on you. Whether you’re a history buff, enjoy large naval vessels, or just want to pay respect to the brave men and women who serve in the military, this exhibit has something for everybody.
During a visit to Pearl Harbor, one can’t miss the first sight of the Bowfin submarine, sitting just off the dock in the harbor.
Once you arrive at Pearl Harbor, upon first glance the area was unremarkable. It has a large parking lot with two buildings in the immediate vicinity. After you park, if you are facing the water, the submarine museum will be on your right.
The first thing you see as you walk up is torpedoes. Yep, actual torpedoes, with the good stuff taken out line the entrance to the museum. One of the big ones, standing up on its end has the impressive stats of: 32 feet long, 30,000 pounds heavy, 4.5 feet in diameter, and a 2,880 mile range!
As you walk through the torpedoes, the museum will be the building on the right and there will be a gift shop on your left. You can walk through to the submarine or go to the museum. Neither was anywhere near as crowded as the Arizona Memorial, making it a viable alternative during peak hours.
The museum is in a large air conditioned building with cool lighting and static electricity inducing carpet. You will walk down a circular path through the room between exhibits on both sides. Initially there are lots of pictures of the submarines in World War II and their crews. As you walk, the glass covered displays get more and more fascinating.