Tips For Wine Tasting

Wine Tasting

Observing the wine itself is a major part of the overall wine tasting experience. Although the expression wine tasting will imply to many the actual drinking of the wine. The key is to actually consider the whole wine tasting experience. We want to share Tips For Wine Tasting.

Tips For Wine Tasting

For a start we can learn a great deal about a wine just by looking at it. The wine should always be presented in a clear glass and observed against a white background. The wine color is a strong contributory factor to the taste of the wine. One will notice that red wines will vary in color as is the case with whites this variation in color is something to look for.

The longer a wine is aged and the greater flavor that it has, the stronger the color it will have. In the case of white wine, too much color is not a good factor. White wine is actually ruined or tarnished in flavor by the aging process. On the other hand, red wines improve with age. As red wines are aged, their color begins to lighten, as opposed to white wines which normally go darker with age. The lighter the color of a red wine the older it tends to be.

To discern the age of a wine with reference to its color, you should tilt the wine glass partially to one side. It will then be possible to get a clear view of the edge which is referred to as the rim color. If you observe a purple tint this shows that the wine is quite young. Should you observe a brown or orange tint this indicates that the wine is mature.

You should also give the wine a swirl which allows you to observe the body of the wine. If it appears thicker, this donates higher alcohol content along with a sweeter flavour. It is clear then that you can discern much about a wine merely by observing it. Are you enjoying these Tips For Wine Tasting?

Although the actual tasting of the wine is important, so is the aroma of the wine. As a component of the whole wine tasting experience you need to smell the wine in the correct manner. Indeed, the aroma of the wine will help you determine if you have a wine that you can truly appreciate. Many people take a short sniff of their wine, which does not allow one to take in the full scent of the wine

The molecules in the wine will allow you truly appreciate the aroma. Wine tasters refer to this as the nose or the bouquet of the wine. Numerous different bouquets are mentioned with the most common being: spices, herbs wood, fruit, earthy, or floral. Each of these aromas will result in their own distinctive tastes.

To smell wine correctly, firstly give the glass a swirl. This will help to release the wine molecules prior to taking a quick sniff. Now its time to take a deep inhale of the aroma. Now you should be able to smell the difference. Which one of the different bouquets comes to mind?

Author: Roger Gordon (


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