Tamer Super Bowl Commercials?

We can all recall our favorite Super Bowl commercials, whether they happened last year or ten years ago. Apple’s original Mac commercial was amazing. How about the classic Budweiser horse football, or the Fed-Ex “Cast Away” ads?

The Times is reporting today that this year’s crop of crazy expensive Super Bowl ads is going to be tamer than usual. Basically babies talking on webcams. ….. Awesome.

This got me thinking about Super Bowl commercials that were actually memorable, and after some searching, here’s a best-of-the-best list of 25. Once you’ve watched all these, you and that chick at your party who doesn’t give a hoot about football will now have something to talk about on Monday morning.

What’s your favorite ad? Check out the Top 25 Super Bowl Ads ………

25. Sprint “Crime Deterrent Phone”
Click Here

24. Budweiser Clydesdales
Click Here

23. Pepsi Truck
Click Here

22. Anheuser Busch Army Tribute
Click Here

21. Chicago “Bears”
Click Here

20. Reebok “Terry Tate”
Click Here

19. Robert Goulet for Emerald Nuts
Click Here

18. Bud Light “Hitch Hiker”
Click Here

17. Ameriquest “Don’t Judge So Quickly”
Click Here

16. Degree “Stunt City”
Click Here

15. FedEx “Stick”
Click Here

14. Christopher Reeve
Click Here

13. Career Builder Monkeys
Click Here

12. Cindy Crawford for Pepsi
Click Here

11. E*Trade “Out of the Whazoo!”
Click Here

10. Fedex “Castaway”
Click Here

9. David Letterman & Oprah Super Bowl Of Love
Click Here

8. Britney Spears Pepsi Super Bowl Commercial
Click Here

7. EDS Running with the Squirrels
Click Here

6. Monster.com “When I Grow Up”
Click Here

5. Nationwide Commercial RollinVIP
Click Here

4. GM Robot Super Bowl Commercial
Click Here

3. Budweiser Frogs
Click Here

2. Apple’s 1984 Macintosh Commercial
Click Here

1. Mean Joe Green
Click Here


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