Savoia Excelsior Palace – Luxury by the Adriatic

Savoia Excelsior Palace hotel - Trieste Italy
Savoia Excelsior Palace

For history lovers who also enjoy heritage hotels, your search is now over.  The iconic Savoia Excelsior Palace (part of the Starhotels Collezione) celebrates its 100th year as a hotel, providing the perfect excuse to uncover the fascinating Italian city of Trieste and experience this iconic grand dame.

The Savoia Excelsior Palace epitomizes grandeur and glamour, and was built by celebrated Austrian architect Ladislaus Fiedler. The luxury property had first public opening back in 1912 and was recognized as ‘the most luxurious hotel in Austria-Hungary’.

Celebrating 100 years, Savoia Excelsior Palace houses over 20,000 meters of silk and velvet, over 6,000 porcelain antiques, plus room-upon-room of delicate period furniture, luxury reigns now as it did a century ago.

Savoia Excelsior Palace is located in Trieste, Italy. Many smaller Italian cities like Trieste are relatively undiscovered by the world’s travelers. Trieste has been part of La Repubblica for less than a century and is a fascinating melting pot of Italian, Mittel-European and Slavic cultures.

Historically tempting the ‘Grand Touring’ elite through its doors with the promise of panoramic views of the Adriatic Sea, from its south-easterly setting on the waterfront, Savoia Excelsior Palace welcomed many aristocrats, artists and diplomats.  Emperor Franz Josef of Austria-Hungary was a frequent guest and his apartments remain perfectly intact today.

Savoia Excelsior Palace went through an extensive renovation project between 2007 and 2009. The result was stunning as turn-of-the century frescos, precious mosaics and intricate architectural detailing have been restored to their former glory.

The restoration project brought an air of contemporary chic by sensitively working with the existing classicism of the building to ensure that it remains the must-visit address in Trieste 100 years on.


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