Christmas in Las Vegas – A Top Destination for Christmas Travel

If you are planning to spend a quiet Christmas in Las Vegas this year, you will not be alone. According to a recent PR from – Las Vegas is the top destination for travel this Christmas season.
Christmas in Las Vegas is magical with an abundance of holiday cheer and dazzling Christmas lights and beautiful holiday decorations.
Many people want to escape the chilling cold weather and desire a warmer destination to enjoy their Christmas vacation. Las Vegas is a great choice but even though summer temps sizzle over 100 degrees, don’t expect that in December. Las Vegas can of course be warm, but don’t be surprised for much cooler weather. Even snow is possible, but rather rare.
If you check out the list of Most Popular Destinations for Christmas Travel 2015 from Priceline based on hotel reservations, you’ll see many popular cities.
The 25 top city destinations are listed below:
Las Vegas, NV
Orlando, FL
New York City, NY
Orange County, CA
Miami, FL
San Francisco, CA
San Diego, CA
Chicago, IL
Los Angeles, CA
New Orleans, LA
Phoenix, AZ
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Washington D.C.
Atlanta, GA
Seattle, WA
The Florida Keys, FL
Puerto Rico
Dallas, TX
Honolulu, HI
Cancun – Cozumel, MX
Denver, CO
San Antonio, TX
Hampton Roads, VA
Pigeon Forge – Gatlinburg, TN
Costa Rica
Since 2013, the following 4 cities in the U.S. continue to dominate the list – Las Vegas, Orlando, New York City, and Orange County.
The top 25 list did have some shuffling that we wanted to point out. Atlanta made a big jump, up from #43 to #14. Tampa moved from #45 to #29. Washington ended in the #13 spot, up from #32 last year. Nashville came in at #50, up 22 spots from #28.
One of the reasons many people want to spend Christmas in Las Vegas is because of the great deals on hotel rates. Taking a look at the average daily hotel rates under $100 per night, Las Vegas makes that list. Other cities include Pigeon Forge-Gatlinburg, San Antonio, Atlanta, Tampa and Hampton Roads.
If you considering a Christmas in Las Vegas getaway, The Life of Luxury can help plan and book your luxury travel itinerary. We have access to many, exclusive travel deals. Come back often to follow our luxury blog and stay abreast of the latest travel news and top destinations around the world.
Photo: Bellagio Conservatory Botanical Garden.