The Bluebeards Revenge – Luxury Shaving Cream for Blue-Beards

Bluebeards Revenge shaving cream
The Bluebeards Revenge

It’s a struggle for many men around the world.  Millions deal with a common problem – tough stubble.

Tough stubble can wreak havoc on even the best razor.  A popular label for men with jawlines of sand paper, tough stubble is “Blue-Beards.”

Well maybe hope if finally on the way for these Blue-Beards. There’s a new shaving solution might actually work!

The Bluebeards Revenge™ is possibly the world’s finest shaving solution, and launched after years of testing.

The Bluebeards Revenge features the secret ingredient, Decelerine™ and hopes to make every alpha-male’s shaving experience much easier.

Decelerine relieves and soothes the effects of shaving, particularly with those with skin that’s prone to irritation and dryness.  Decelerine provided both moisturisation and protection to facilitate its regeneration.

It’s been reported that the ingredient Decelerine is exclusive to this product, and has been scientifically proven to actually reduce the growth of hair.

So after every shave with The Bluebeards Revenge shaving cream, a man’s facial hair is delayed in its growth.

For example, after a 60-day period of time, his growth of facial stubble can be reduced up to 40% !

The Bluebeards Revenge also features a signature scent that was chosen by shaving enthusiasts. The aroma was based on a fresh and classic English barbershop scent with a modern twist.

For additional product information on The Bluebeards Revenge, please visit:

Cutting It Close With the Hommage Damascene Razor

Damscene Razor from Hommage

Ah, leave it to the French. Hommage, the Parisian supplier of luxury grooming equipment, skincare and spa services for men, has developed a limited edition, platinum-sheathed straight razor using the same ancient layering techniques as the Crusaders’ swords. The price is an eye popping $30,000!

Called the Damascene Razor, this shaving blade is hand-forged in Germany with 128 layers of legendary Damascene steel, with a rose and torsion pattern. This process in the same arcane fashion used to forge Escalibur, as described by Sir Thomas Mallory in La Morte D’Arthur. The sheath is then plated in pure platinum, and treated to resist tarnishing.

The pricey razor comes in a lacquered gift box of Tanzanian anigré wood. The name Damascene is often attributed to the steel swords made in the vicinity of Damascus, Syria and first gained its mythical reputation during the medieval Crusades.

According to the company – Hommage, “the blade of a Damascus steel sword was said to be able to cut a piece of silk in half as it fell to the ground and was strong enough to cut through a rock without losing its sharpness.”

So gents, be careful and make sure you don’t cut off more than you want. But if used cautiouslt, now you can use it to get the world’s most expensive shave.