World’s Most Expensive Champagne Sabre Breaks World Record

Henry Tuke - Champagne sabre
Henry Tuke – Champagne Sabre

Launched as the the world’s most expensive Champagne sabre, it retails for an eye-popping £27,000.

New luxury brand Henry Tuke introduced the new Champagne sabre in the beautiful gardens of top Champagne house Canard-Duchêne in Ludes, France.

The memorable occasion was marked as founder of Henry Tuke, Tom Tuke-Hastings, professionally sabered 35 bottles of Canard-Duchêne Champagne in under a minute.

This incredible feat by Henry Tuke crushed the previous world record of 27 bottles.

The new Champagne sabre is an exquisite work of English craftsmanship and would make a great addition to anybody who collects sabres.

This fine luxury collector’s item now joins a product portfolio that also includes the Henry Tuke Backgammon Set, the finest composition of macassar ebony and sterling silver that the games world has to offer.

If interested, you can purchase the Champagne sabre at