GOBIE H2O – First Eco-Friendly Reusable Water Bottle

GOBIE H2O reusable water bottle

Quench your thirst, purify your body and save the environment.

GOBIE H2O is the first eco-friendly reusable water bottle that filters as you drink. It’s healthy, affordable and easy. Simply fill it with any tap water and go.

No more plastic water bottles ending up in our landfills and polluting our environment.

And you, as a consumer, will no longer spend money on a product that creates an enormous amount of plastic waste on the earth.

GOBIE H2O is free of Bisphenol-A (BPA), and the GOBIE filter is plant-based which equals zero waste.

GOBIE was designed to meet the ANSI/NSF (National Sanitary Foundation) Standard 42.

This ensures the removal of chlorine, chloramines, and particulates, resulting in odor free and purified great tasting water.

Let’s face it, there is no better solution to maintaining a healthy you and creating a healthy environment than GOBIE H2O: the world’s first fully portable, reusable, zero-waste, filtered water bottle.

GOBIE H2O: pure water, anywhere.

For more information, please visit http://gobieh2o.com/