Super-Premium EFFEN Cucumber Vodka

Effen cucumber flavored vodka
EFFEN® Cucumber Vodka

EFFEN® Vodka is a super-premium vodka. The name EFFEN means “smooth, even and balanced” in Dutch.

Based on a century-old Dutch recipe, EFFEN Vodka is made from premium wheat and also uses a continuous distillation process that creates a smooth taste on the palette.

As the only vodka created by the industry, for the industry, EFFEN Vodka not only offers a world-class liquid but a sleek, form-meets-function design with a rubber sleeve that acts as a grip and an insulator to keep the vodka consistently cold.

The delicious EFFEN product line includes the following flavors: EFFEN® Vodka, EFFEN® Black Cherry Vodka, EFFEN® Dutch Raspberry Vodka and now EFFEN® Cucumber Vodka.

EFFEN is proud to be the first super-premium vodka company in the world, to add the cool and refreshing flavor of cucumber to their impressive vodka lineup.

Now by adding a modern twist to super-premium vodka, EFFEN Cucumber will be available to consumers in March 2011.

EFFEN Cucumber creates a refreshing take on classic cocktails such as the Bloody Mary, with the essence of freshly harvested vine-ripe cucumbers

This cucumber flavored vodka is made using the purist water along with all natural ingredients.

EFFEN Cucumber Vodka is 75 Proof and can be found at your favorite retail liquor store with a suggested retail price of only $29.99 per 750ml bottle.

To learn more about the new EFFEN Cucumber Vodka, please visit:


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1 Response

  1. Eileen says:

    The Effen Cucumber Vodka is the best Vodka I’ve had. Thanks it’s great product.