Luxurious Titanium Cigar Pod from Solloshi Design

Solloshi Design Titanium Cigar Pod - Cronus

Cigar aficionados have long desired a humidor to preserve their cherished cigar collection, but also have a growing need for it to be stylish. How about a cigar pod made to look like an authentic Colt gun cylinder to get people talking?

Solloshi Design has taken their love of both luxury cigars and guns to a different level. The company offers a variety of the finest titanium accessories. For example, they have created a stunning Titanium Cigar Pod named Themis.

Themis sells for $9,500 and this titanium cigar pod authentic bearings and ratchet mechanism that housing six CNC-milled titanium “bullets” (aka. cigars). Each pod from Solloshi Design includes a mini-humidor to preserve your finest cigars. The Themis titanium cigar pod can hold up to 6 cigars and internally, measures 22 mm X 185 mm.

Cronus is a slightly smaller cigar pod that sells for $7,500. It’s internal measurements are 9.5 mm X 89.0 mm, holds up to 6 cigarillos or cigarettes and like the Themis mode, is made from aerospace grade titanium.

In addition, Solloshi Design has developed a line of distinctive, cnc-machined Ti cigar pods. Hyperion has been described by some people as the most luxurious cigar tube design they have ever seen. The Hyperion cigar tube can hold and protect a single cigar. It’s CNC machined from titanium blocks and include 4 different parts that are combined to produce the final product. This unique cigar tube includes a small humidifier and the inside measurement is 22.45 mm X 234 mm. This limited edition cigar tube is priced at $18,900.

For those looking for a lower price point, the Iapteus cigar holder tube has a price of only $660. It features a minimalist design. Iapteus is also CNC machined from a single block of titanium. Each cigar tube has a small humidifier and the interior measures 17 mm X 165 mm.

These amazing cigar pods and cigar holders from Solloshi Design make the perfect gift for that Cigar aficionado in your life. Enjoy your fine cigar in VIP style!

If you are interested in buying a cigar pod or cigar holder from Solloshi Design, contact us today. The Life of Luxury desires to keep abreast of the latest news and product announcements in the luxury industry. Follow and read our luxury blog.

Photo: Solloshi Design / Gosztom Gergo


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